Answering Service

You’re a doctor or other medical or health care professional. As a committed healer, you worry that sometimes harm can happen unintentionally – an urgent phone call missed, for example.
That’s why you understand the critical importance of a top-quality medical telephone answering service. It’s the completely reliable way to make sure you’re ALWAYS in touch.
From answering for after hours and lunch time calls, to helping cover the phones when you are just a bit short handed in the office, quality and reliability are what we’re all about. Our operators are fully prepared to fulfill your EXACT individual requirements.
We treat your callers, whether urgent or routine, the way we treat our employees and the many other clients who have placed their trust in us: like family.
Our always-live telephone receptionists are sensitive, alert, attentive and aware of the unique importance of a medical telephone answering service. You’re a medical professional, so your callers are TOP PRIORITY – and we treat them as such.
TCB AnsweRing Service has always been family-owned and -operated. We’ve learned a lot in our years about how to provide quality service, but we never rest on our laurels. We’re fully up to date with the most advanced telephone and software technology, and we always stay current.
In short, our medical telephone answering service saves you valuable time and money, helping you to provide better service and expand your practice. Most important, we spare you the worry of missing an urgent phone call or having it mishandled .
We’ll ALWAYS be here for you, and that means you’ll ALWAYS be there for the people who need you most: your patients.
US Based
All Operators are based in the USA
Your Rate Decreases as Call Volume Increases!
Adjust Package Month to Month
24 / 7
No Hidden Fees
For True 24x7 Service.
No Additional Charges for After Hours, Holidays or Weekends
Per Call
We Bill Monthly Per Call. You Can Even Adjust Your Package Month to Month!